Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Than Just A Dad

On this Father's Day I want to say a very special thank you to my wonderful husband. If you're a special needs father, this thank you applies to you too.
To be the father of a special needs child requires a special heart and a special kind of commitment. Over three years ago both our lives changed when Aleks was diagnosed with autism. Although we were both like fish out of water when it came to our knowledge of autism, we were committed to figuring this diagnosis out and getting help. Our jobs were different, but both part of the puzzle. I was the primary researcher and Bill would follow through and implement the needed therapies, diet, supplements, etc. Ever since we moved to MN and Aleks was diagnosed, he has selfishly given up a good chunk of his life to help our daughter . At one point he was at Children's Hospital four days a week for therapies, in addition to driving an hour plus round trip to take Aleks to her DAN doctor. He kept Aleks calm for her chiropractic adjustments, ran to the store to get her supplements when we would run out and sat through countless hours in the observation room and waiting rooms at Childrens. I know we wouldn't have the recovering little girl today that we have if it weren't for her daddy. That is why on this Father's Day I want to say thank you to the most committed father I've ever met, my husband. As Aleks says, "You're the best daddy in the whole entire world and I love you."

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