Friday, April 23, 2010

Our Autism Story Hits TC Television

I feel totally blessed to have been able to go on 'Twin Cities Live' here in Minneapolis and share our story with autism. Despite being nervous about being on television, the story just told itself. If you didn't get a chance to see it, hopefully you can CLICK HERE and watch it.

Thank you to everyone for all of the kind emails here and at work that I've received about the story. As many of you who share my beliefs know, it's not always easy. I don't think I ever really appreciated the doors that Jenny McCarthy and so many others opened by sharing their views on autism, vaccines, environmental factors and how treatments can help a child with autism. I know that although I get a lot of support, I also get a lot of resentment and just plain hate from many doctors, hospitals and families. I've been accused of being "anti-vaccine" and been told that I'm propagating lies. To this I reply, you are wrong on both fronts. Read my previous blog entries and read it carefully.

ALSO, Please join me for the second annual Autism 5K at Lake Calhoun, MN on May 15th. Click here for more information!

Much love-



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