Friday, April 24, 2009

The Birthday Party

                         It feels like this past month has been a whirlwind of activity.  We got back from 'Spring Break' and dove into the usual school, therapy and Aleks 4th birthday!  I kept going back and forth between a party with a lot of her school friends and something smaller.  For an autistic child, birthdays can be very upsetting.  For example; for Aleks' first two birthdays we had big pool (lived in Florida )parties with lots of friends.  She loved the parties and loved the attention.  Then a year ago it was all different.  She wasn't making eye contact and ran screaming when we started to sing 'Happy Birthday'.  A year ago she was hiding in a corner, screaming and holding her ears.  I was in shock and totally confused.  At this point we had no idea that it was autism and this can be typical behavior.  Now fast forward a year and you can understand my birthday party dilemma.

I knew that she was doing exceptionally well in school and with her therapies.  She had gone from one or two word answers to sentences and having conversations.  She loved her friends at school and really wanted a party.  Yet, could she handle it or would it be too much?  It is amazing how God works everything out.  Planning our Disney vacation was extensive and I just never got her school friends party done.  Her birthday was only a week after we got back from Disney.  A few days after we got back I started thinking about what she really wanted and I knew what to do.  We have some neighbors/friends that we are close to.  Aleks calls their 3 kids her 'brothers and sister.'  When I thought of a party it just seemed perfect to have her 'MN family' for a family party.  That is what we did and it was PERFECT.  The amazing miracle is that she sat at the table, took in all the attention and loved having everyone sing Happy Birthday to her.  I made a GFCFSFRFEFYF chocolate cake with fudge icing and it was also a huge hit.  What an amazing day of miracles for us and for her.  
Thank you Jesus.


1 comment:

Shannon Taglieber-Brunson said...

It makes you treasure the smaller things in life. From this point, you can only move forward! :-)