Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Manic Since Being Sick

I am writing this blog and am totally frustrated at the moment. Aleks was sick for 3+ weeks, had 3 different antibiotics because some weren't working and then 2 rounds on 1 antibiotic. We know that in the healing of her leaky gut that antibiotics are not always good for the healing. What we didn't realize is that in healing her massive double ear infection and temperature of 104 we would see such regression in her autistic behavior. To say it has been rough is an understatement.
While on antibiotics, Aleks started walking on her toes again, using more 'baby' words and just overall irritated and manic. We talked with her ST and learned that there is a typical regression of 2-3 weeks after an illness and then she will be back to her post diet, therapy self. It has been soo frustrating to watch her suffer again and to experience the manic, controlling behavior again. My biggest fear at the moment is that this behavior will stay and all the progress we made will be gone. As I just wrote that, Aleks came up and gave me a kiss and told me that she loves me. Thank you God. I think that is His way of reminding me that although we've regressed we aren't back to where we started.

Faith, Hope & HEALING-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melissa - I know exactly how you feel when you fear regression. Once my daughter had 2 febrile seizures that caused seizures and I felt sick to my stomach that she was going to regress. Although my daughter still has a disability she did not regress and has made progress. Continue to surround yourself with supportive and caring people. It makes all the difference in the world. I happen to be a speech pathologist myself and have taken my daughter to speech and OT therapists over the years and I know that they are not all created equal. God Bless you on your journey.
Debbie (Andover)