Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Grace Tank....On Empty

 Extending grace when life is good is easy…it’s the bad days that get me.  Recently I’ve been really struggling with adults and children being unkind to my daughter Aleks.  I have a knot in my stomach even as I’m writing this because I’m angry.  I’m angry that adults have no tolerance for different and that children whisper about my little girl.  I’m also struggling with the area we live in and how different it is from where we lived in MN.  My grace tank seems to be running on ‘E’ and I’m trying my best to let God fill it up.

Having a child with Asperger’s Syndrome (autism spectrum) means having a child with some quirks.  As her mother, I love that she has these quirks and isn’t concerned about always fitting in.  As her mother I also struggle watching other kids whisper about her and parents judge her because of her quirks.  My grace tank reached ‘E’ the other day, when at a Brownie event I saw all the other girls pick a buddy for a fieldtrip and her be left out.  I watched as the Brownie leaders decided to assign buddies and still the other girls rejected her.  Okay, now I’m angry and sad again!

I keep telling myself that none of us deserves grace and that I have to give it over to God to fill me up.  I keep telling myself that it will be okay, but my heart hurts and I just want to hurt someone else for hurting my girl.  At seven she doesn’t always see the rejection that I see.  She gets angry that she isn’t picked but she doesn’t understand why.  I get it and yet I don’t understand.  Do mean girls really start at 7?  Why are girls here more judgmental and mean when almost all the girls in MN were kind and accepting.  Is this a geographical difference in kids or a socio-economic difference in the community we’re in?  I’m not sure, but I don’t like it – not one little bit.

So now you see why my grace tank is on empty.  I am tired of having to show grace to mean people.  I am tired of trying to make my daughter fit in with girls who don’t like her because she is different.  I’m tired of the gossiping of adults and the ostracizing of little girls.  I’m tired and my grace tank is on fumes.  

xo Mel